Cooperative board games for kids

© 2017-2020 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

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Cooperative board games take a lot in mutual with competitive board games.

In that location'due south a lath. There are game pieces. Private players have turns.

Just cooperative games differ in one key respect: Everyone is on the same team, working toward the same goal.

What's the point of this? Isn't competition a fact of life? Why should kids play cooperative games, when they could be learning to hone their skills as competitors?

Mayhap the best answer is that cooperative board games are fun.

People play because they experience intrigued, challenged, entertained. In fact, some kids — including young children — may actually prefer cooperative games to competitive ones.

When researchers tested competitive and cooperative games head-to-head, they found that preschoolers assigned to play competitive games showed less enthusiasm, and afterwards they tended to conduct more than negatively (Bay-Hinitz et al 1994).

By contrast, preschoolers assigned to play cooperative games showed more than enthusiasm, and there were no post-game increases in bad beliefs.

(FYI: One of the board games used in this study was Max: A cooperative game of consultation, conclusion-making, and natural selection, which I review below.)

Other research suggests that cooperative play encourages generosity.

In a recent experimental study, researchers randomly assigned preschoolers to play dissimilar kinds of games, including a cooperative game and a competitive one.

After a brief play session, the researchers tested the children's generosity past giving them the opportunity to share a prize with immature stranger. What happened?

It depended on gaming experience. Kids who had played the cooperative game shared more (Toppe et al 2019).

And cooperative games may help build trust between players.

Studies advise that kids, like adults, adjust their willingness to cooperate based on the feedback they get from others (Blake et al 2015; Keil et al 2017). If there is a history of cooperation, they are more likely to cooperate in the time to come.

It'southward possible, then, that cooperative board games could help kids build friendly relationships.

But that's not all. In that location are compelling cognitive reasons to recommend cooperative lath games.

1. For toddlers and preschoolers, cooperative board games are a better developmental fit. Young children have problem understanding competitive play.


No, I don't hateful that little kids are completely clueless. Young children may manage quite well as long as game is very simple, and requires no strategic idea.

Suppose, for instance, that we enquire kids to play a tower-edifice game.

Players have turns rolling a die, so selecting the corresponding number of blocks to stack atop their towers.

Roll a 6, take 6 blocks.

The blocks come up from a mutual pile. The offset player whose tower reaches the specified height wins.

Experiments suggests that both iii-year-olds and 5-year-olds can learn the rules of such a game, and play competently.

Merely players accept no decisions to make. Their progress is adamant by hazard, and there are no competitive tactics involved.

What if nosotros tweak the rules, and permit players the option of poaching blocks from a competitor's tower?

This tweaked game isn't terribly complicated. The best strategy is articulate to you lot and me: At every opportunity, you should take blocks from your competitor.

But when researchers tested this game on children at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, they noticed that even the v-year-olds failed to utilise the poaching tactic. They did it sometimes, but no more frequently than you'd expect by chance (Shmidt et al 2016).

And other experiments (e.chiliad., Priewasser et al 2013,) take reported similar findings.

When a game depends on imposing penalties on competitors, young children often fail to do so.

Is it considering children are shy, or trying to be kind?

Those are certainly possibilities, but it seems telling that kids failed to impose penalties fifty-fifty subsequently other players used this same tactic against them (Priewasser et al 2013).

Moreover, the utilize of competitive tactics is linked with a kid'due south operation on a perspective-taking chore — i that requires a child to sympathise that her beliefs differ from those of another person.

Kids who chief the perspective-taking chore sometimes make deliberate use of competitive tactics. Kids that struggle with the perspective-taking task almost never do.


And in the belfry-edifice experiments, Marco Schmidt and his colleagues (2016) also noticed a difference betwixt 3-year-olds and 5-year-olds.

The younger children had trouble focusing on more than one aspect of the game at a fourth dimension, and they didn't seem to find when their opponent (a friendly puppet) cheated.

By contrast, the five-year-olds were better at keeping track of all the elements — the rules of the game; their opponent'due south apparent motivations; their own want to win.

Does all this imply that children under the historic period of v can't savour a competitive game?

Certainly not. Only it suggests that competitive elements will tend to get over their heads.

At that place's simply likewise much for them to juggle — possibly a reflection of their more than limited opens in a new windowworking memory capacities. And this is probably why the competitive game Candy Land is and then pop with very immature children: Information technology's the simplest possible competitive game — no decisions or competitive tactics involved.

And then ane solution to the problem is to provide young children with extremely simple competitive board games. Some other is to offering them cooperative lath games.

I prefer second pick myself, because you can add more complexity to the game without making information technology incommunicable for young children to play. When it's time to make a determination, preschoolers can participate in the discussion, and make the decision jointly.

The resulting game experience is more interesting for older players. And — every bit nosotros'll see adjacent — those team discussions may have special educational value as kids get older.

ii. Cooperative board games encourage children to discuss decisions and justify their reasoning.


We acuminate our thinking when nosotros explain our reasoning to others. Civilized debate helps us identify the strengths and weaknesses of our arguments. It allows participants to test each other's ideas, and come up to well-reasoned decisions.

When are children ready to learn these skills?

In 1 study, researchers found a telling difference betwixt 3-year-olds and 5-yr-olds (Köymen and Tomasello 2018). Simply the v-twelvemonth-olds seemed willing to alter their minds in response to a discussion about the evidence.

Researchers also institute that schoolhouse-anile children (5-year-olds and 7-yr-olds) were good at cooperative reasoning. When pairs of children were asked to evaluate competing claims, they were able to agree almost which claims had better supporting testify (Köymen and Tomasello 2018).

And then kids as young as 5 can take a stance, listen, counterbalance arguments, and come to a articulation determination. And there is reason to think that cooperative games encourage children to exercise this.

Example: Matching critters to their habitats


Back at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Andreas Domberg and his colleagues asked 5- and vii-yr-old children to play two versions of a sorting game.

In both versions, kids had to match creatures with their appropriate habitats (east.k., a zebra with a grassy plain). Moreover, the players had to come up to an agreement virtually information technology — convince each other with arguments.

But in the competitive version of the game, in that location was an added element: The habitats were divided between players, and each histrion was motivated to larn the greatest number of animals.

This difference mattered.

In the cooperative version of the game, kids produced more arguments for their claims, and they were more probable to consider both sides of a question.

Past contrast, kids playing the competitive version of the game didn't just produce fewer arguments. Their arguments were also more 1-sided (Domberg et al 2016).

That might be useful preparation for a career in advertising or politics. But it doesn't teach kids critical thinking. By motivating children to consider both sides of a question, cooperative board games may assist children think more clearly and rigorously.

For instance, Amy Strom and Scott Barolo have used the archetype game Mastermind to teach college students about hypothesis testing and experimental pattern.

Ordinarily, this game is played by a lone "code billow" who must discover a hidden sequence of colors.

Just Strom and Barolo say the game works well as a team exercise, in which students collaborate to break the lawmaking. Players talk tactics, look for flaws in each other's arguments, and collaborate to find the most efficient path to a solution (Strom and Barolo 2011).

So what do cooperative lath games look like?

If you lot've never seen a cooperative lath game for young children, it might be hard to imagine what it's like to play one. I've played several preschool cooperative board games myself. Hither are my impressions of ii classics.

[Note: I include links to Amazon. Purchases made through these links will assistance support this site.]

Max: A cooperative game of consultation, decision-making, and natural choice (Family pastime games)

Ages 3 to 7. Excellent entry-level game; no reading or avant-garde counting skills required. Game pieces made from sparse card stock.

In opens in a new windowFamily Pastimes' Max – A Branch Game, players piece of work together confronting a common foe.

This is the aforementioned game used by researchers in the preschool study mentioned at the beginning of this article (Bay-Hinitz et al 1994).

The enemy is Max, a true cat who longs to catch three creatures living in his backyard: A bird, a squirrel, and a chipmunk.

During the grade of the game, all four characters move forth the winding game board. If Max lands on the same space equally one of the prey animals, that animate being is removed from the game.

The object of the game is to get equally many of the prey animals to safety every bit possible. Players accept turns rolling the dice, which are especially designed for the game. There is only one dot—either black or light-green—on each side, so there are only three possible rolls:

  • Two black dots (pregnant Max advances two spaces)
  • I blackness dot and ane green dot (meaning Max advances one space and a casualty animal gets to accelerate one space)
  • Two green dots (meaning that one prey animal gets to advance two spaces OR two casualty animals get to advance one space each)

Why I similar this game

Players become to brand meaningful decisions. With every plough, players discuss their preferences and make up one's mind together which prey animal(s) to move. In add-on, players tin can choose to take shortcuts (which may backfire if Max follows). And players tin invoke a special handicap–sending Max dorsum to the beginning of the game–upwardly to 4 times during play.


The game pieces are made of cardboard — some pieces rather flimsy paper-thin. I wish they were printed on heavier stock and laminated.

The Secret Door(Family unit Pastime games)

Ages 3 to viii. A cooperative game that provokes chat about memory strategies and simple deductions. No counting or reading required.  All game pieces made from thin card stock.

opens in a new windowFamily Pastimes' Secret Door – An Award Winning Co-operative Mystery Game combines elements of two other good games: Memory (in which players turn over cards one at a time and endeavor to find pictures that lucifer) and Clue (in which players ask questions and make deductions to decide the identity of several hidden cards).

The game includes a board (depicting the interior of a multi-roomed house) and a prepare of small cards (depicting various treasures). Each card has an exact lucifer–another card with the aforementioned flick on it. The cards are distributed face down on the lath, and players work equally a team to discover as many matches as possible.

But there'due south a twist: Earlier the game begins, iii cards are randomly selected and hidden behind the Secret Door. When time runs out, players must approximate what those cards are.

Why I like this game

The game is cooperative, and then younger kids don't experience pressured. Squad play besides offers older players with the opportunity to share mnemonic strategies with younger kids. And, at the end of the game, everybody gets to discuss their guesses and explain why their gauge is likely to be correct.

The negatives

One time over again, this game suffers considering its pieces are made from thin card stock.

More reading

For more evidence-based information about the developmental benefit of games, see opens in a new windowthese pages.

References: Cooperative lath games for kids

Bay-Hinitz AK, Peterson RF, and Quilitch HR. 1994. Cooperative games: a way to modify ambitious and cooperative behaviors in immature children. J Appl Behav Anal. 1994 Fall;27(3):435-46.

Blake PR, Rand DG, Tingley D, Warneken F. 2015. The shadow of the future promotes cooperation in a repeated prisoner'south dilemma for children. Sci Rep. 5:14559.

Domberg A, Köymen B, Tomasello 1000. 2017. Children's reasoning with peers in cooperative and competitive contexts. Br J Dev Psychol. 2022 Sep 21. doi: x.1111/bjdp.12213. [Epub alee of print]

Ewoldsen DR, Eno CA, Okdie BM, Velez JA, Guadagno RE, and DeCoster J. 2012. Result of playing trigger-happy video games cooperatively or competitively on subsequent cooperative behavior. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 15(five):277-80.

Keil J, Michel A, Sticca F, Leipold K, Klein AM, Sierau S, von Klitzing One thousand, White LO. 2017. The Pizzagame: A virtual public goods game to assess cooperative behavior in children and adolescents. Behav Res Methods. 49(4):1432-1443.

Köymen B and Tomasello K. 2018. Children's meta-talk in their collaborative conclusion making with peers. J Exp Child Psychol.  166:549-566.

Priewasser B, Roessler J, and Perner J. 2013. Contest as rational action: why young children cannot appreciate competitive games. J Exp Child Psychol. 116(2):545-59.

Schmidt MF, Hardecker Southward, Tomasello K. 2016. Preschoolers understand the normativity of cooperatively structured competition. J Exp Kid Psychol. 143:34-47.

Toppe T, Hardecker Southward, Haun DBM. 2019. Playing a cooperative game promotes preschoolers' sharing with third-parties, but non social inclusion. PLoS Ane. fourteen(eight):e0221092.

Zan B. and Hildebrandt C. 2005. Cooperative and competitive games in constructivist classrooms. The Constructivist, 16(1):i-13.

Epitome credits for "Cooperative Board Games":

Image of grandfather and kids by Monkeybusinessimages

Image of kid playing Candy Country by opens in a new windowQuinn Dombrowski /flickr

Image of girls talking about board game with adult by opens in a new windowUS Dept Educational activity / flickr

Image of child with plastic fauna toys by opens in a new windowdaniel julià lundgren / flickr

Content of "Cooperative board games for kids" final modified iv/2020

Reviews in this article appeared in a previous Parenting Science folio near cooperative lath games for kids.


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