How Do You Say Your Souls Will Never Part Again Mom and Dad in German

Kickoff part of the tragic play Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust, Role 1
Goethe Faust I 1808.jpg

Start edition

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
State Holy Roman Empire
Language German language
Series Goethe'due south Faust

Publication appointment

Followed by Faust, Part Two

Faust: A Tragedy (High german: Faust. Eine Tragödie, pronounced [faʊ̯st ˈaɪ̯nə tʁaˈɡøːdi̯ə] ( listen ), or Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil [Faust. The tragedy'south showtime role]) is the first part of the tragic play Faust past Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and is considered past many as the greatest work of German language literature.[ane] Information technology was first published in 1808.

Synopsis [edit]

The beginning part of Faust is not divided into acts, simply is structured as a sequence of scenes in a multifariousness of settings. After a dedicatory poem and a prelude in the theater, the actual plot begins with a prologue in Heaven, where the Lord bets Mephistopheles, an amanuensis of the Devil, that Mephistopheles cannot lead astray the Lord'southward favorite striving scholar, Dr. Faust. We then see Faust in his report, who, disappointed by the cognition and results obtainable by science's natural means, attempts and fails to proceeds knowledge of nature and the universe by magical means. Dejected in this failure, Faust contemplates suicide, but is held back by the sounds of the showtime Easter celebrations. He joins his assistant Wagner for an Easter walk in the countryside, amid the celebrating people, and is followed home past a poodle. Back in the report, the poodle transforms itself into Mephistopheles, who offers Faust a contract: he will do Faust's bidding on globe, and Faust volition practise the same for him in Hell (if, every bit Faust adds in an important side clause, Mephistopheles can go him to be satisfied and to want a moment to last forever). Faust signs in blood, and Mephistopheles outset takes him to Auerbach'south tavern in Leipzig, where the devil plays tricks on some drunken revelers. Having and so been transformed into a boyfriend by a witch, Faust encounters Margaret (Gretchen) and she excites his desires. Through a scheme involving jewellery and Gretchen'due south neighbour Marthe, Mephistopheles brings about Faust'south and Gretchen's liaison. Subsequently a catamenia of separation, Faust seduces Gretchen, who accidentally kills her female parent with a sleeping potion given to her by Faust. Gretchen discovers that she is meaning, and her torment is further increased when Faust and Mephistopheles kill her enraged blood brother in a sword fight. Mephistopheles seeks to distract Faust by taking him to a witches' sabbath on Walpurgis Nighttime, merely Faust insists on rescuing Gretchen from the execution to which she was sentenced later drowning her newborn child while in a state of madness. In the dungeon, Faust vainly tries to persuade Gretchen to follow him to freedom. At the end of the drama, as Faust and Mephistopheles flee the dungeon, a vocalization from heaven announces Gretchen'southward salvation.

Prologues [edit]

Prologue in the Theatre

In the get-go prologue, three people (the theatre manager, the poet and an actor) discuss the purpose of the theatre. The manager approaches the theatre from a financial perspective, and is looking to make an income by pleasing the oversupply; the actor seeks his own glory through fame as an player; and the poet aspires to create a work of art with meaningful content. Many productions use the same actors after in the play to draw connections between characters: the director reappears as God, the actor as Mephistopheles, and the poet as Faust.[ii]

Prologue in Sky: The Wager

The play begins with the Prologue in Heaven. In an allusion to the story of Job, Mephistopheles wagers with God for the soul of Faust.

God has decided to "soon atomic number 82 Faust to clarity", who previously only "served [Him] confusedly." However, to test Faust, he allows Mephistopheles to attempt to atomic number 82 him astray. God declares that "homo nonetheless must err, while he doth strive". It is shown that the outcome of the bet is sure, for "a good man, in his darkest impulses, remains aware of the right path", and Mephistopheles is permitted to atomic number 82 Faust off-target merely so that he may learn from his misdeeds.

Faust's tragedy [edit]


The play proper opens with a monologue by Faust, sitting in his study, contemplating all that he has studied throughout his life. Despite his wide studies, he is dissatisfied with his understanding of the workings of the world, and has determined only that he knows "goose egg" after all. Scientific discipline having failed him, Faust seeks knowledge in Nostradamus, in the "sign of the Macrocosmos", and from an Earth-spirit, nonetheless without achieving satisfaction.

As Faust reflects on the lessons of the Earth-spirit, he is interrupted by his famulus, Wagner. Wagner symbolizes the vain scientific type who understands merely book-learning, and represents the educated bourgeoisie. His approach to learning is a vivid, cold quest, in contrast to Faust, who is led past emotional longing to seek divine knowledge.

Dejected, Faust spies a phial of poison and contemplates suicide. However he is halted by the sound of church bells announcing Easter, which remind him not of Christian duty but of his happier childhood days.

Outside the town gate

Faust and Wagner accept a walk into the town, where people are jubilant Easter. They hail Faust as he passes them because Faust'southward father, an alchemist himself, cured the plague. Faust is in a black mood. As they walk among the promenading villagers, Faust reveals to Wagner his inner conflict. Faust and Wagner see a poodle, who they exercise not know is Mephistopheles in disguise, which follows them into the town.

Written report

Faust returns to his rooms, and the canis familiaris follows him. Faust translates the Gospel of John, which presents difficulties, equally Faust cannot determine the sense of the first judgement (specifically, the discussion Logos (Ancient Greek: Λὀγος ) – "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God" – currently translated as The Give-and-take). Eventually, he settles upon translating information technology with the very one meaning Logos does not have, writing "In the commencement was the deed".

The words of the Bible arouse the dog, which shows itself as a monster. When Faust attempts to repel it with sorcery, the dog transforms into Mephistopheles, in the disguise of a travelling scholar. After being confronted by Faust as to his identity, Mephistopheles proposes to show Faust the pleasures of life. At start Faust refuses, but the devil draws him into a wager, maxim that he will show Faust things he has never seen. They sign a pact like-minded that if Mephistopheles can give Faust a moment in which he no longer wishes to strive, but begs for that moment to continue, he can have Faust'south soul:

Faust. Werd ich zum Augenblicke sagen:
Verweile doch! Du bist so schön!
Dann magst du mich in Fesseln schlagen,
Dann will ich gern zugrunde gehn!
Dann mag die Totenglocke schallen,
Dann bist du deines Dienstes frei,

Die Uhr mag stehn, der Zeiger fallen,
Es sei die Zeit für mich vorbei!

Faust. If the swift moment I entreat:
Tarry a while! Yous are so off-white!
Then forge the shackles to my feet,
Then I will gladly perish there!
And so let them cost the passing-bell,
Then of your servitude exist gratuitous,
The clock may finish, its hands fall notwithstanding,
And time be over then for me![3]

Auerbach'southward Cellar in Leipzig

In this, and the rest of the drama, Mephistopheles leads Faust through the "small" and "great" worlds. Specifically, the "small earth" is the topic of Faust I, while the "slap-up earth", escaping also the limitations of fourth dimension, is reserved for Faust Two.

These scenes ostend what was clear to Faust in his overestimation of his strength: he cannot lose the bet, because he volition never be satisfied, and thus volition never experience the "great moment" Mephistopheles has promised him. Mephistopheles appears unable to keep the pact, since he prefers not to fulfill Faust's wishes, merely rather to separate him from his former being. He never provides Faust what he wants, instead he attempts to infatuate Faust with superficial indulgences, and thus enmesh him in deep guilt.

In the scene in Auerbach'due south Cellar, Mephistopheles takes Faust to a tavern, where Faust is bored and disgusted by the drunken revelers. Mephistopheles realizes his first attempt to lead Faust to ruin is aborted, for Faust expects something different.

Gretchen'due south tragedy [edit]

Witch's Kitchen

Mephistopheles takes Faust to come across a witch, who—with the aid of a magic potion brewed nether the spell of the Hexen-Einmaleins [de] (witch's algebra)—turns Faust into a handsome young homo. In a magic mirror, Faust sees the paradigm of a woman, presumably similar to the paintings of the nude Venus past Italian Renaissance masters like Titian or Giorgione, which awakens within him a strong erotic desire. In contrast to the scene in Auerbach's Cellar, where men behaved as animals, here the witch'due south animals conduct equally men.


Faust spies Margarete, known every bit "Gretchen", on the street in her town, and demands Mephistopheles procure her for him. Mephistopheles foresees difficulty, due to Margarete's uncorrupted nature. He leaves jewellery in her cabinet, arousing her marvel.


Margarete brings the jewellery to her mother, who is wary of its origin, and donates it to the Church, much to Mephistopheles'southward fury.

The Neighbour's House

Mephistopheles leaves some other breast of jewellery in Gretchen'due south business firm. Gretchen innocently shows the jewellery to her neighbour Marthe. Marthe advises her to secretly wear the jewellery in that location, in her firm. Mephistopheles brings Marthe the news that her long absent husband has died. After telling the story of his death to her, she asks him to bring another witness to his death in order to corroborate it. He obliges, having found a way for Faust to run across Gretchen.


At the garden meeting, Marthe flirts with Mephistopheles, and he is at pains to refuse her unconcealed advances. Gretchen confesses her honey to Faust, but she knows instinctively that his companion (Mephistopheles) has improper motives.

Forest and Cave

Faust's monologue is juxtaposed with Gretchen'southward soliloquy at the spinning wheel in the following scene. This monologue is connected thematically with Faust's opening monologue in his study; he directly addresses the Earth Spirit.

Gretchen's Sleeping room

Gretchen is at her spinning wheel, thinking of Faust. The text of this scene was notably put to music past Franz Schubert in the lied Gretchen am Spinnrade, Op. 2, D. 118 (1814).

Marthe'southward Garden

Gretchen presents Faust with the famous question "What is your way about religion, pray?"[4] She wants to admit Faust to her room, only fears her female parent. Faust gives Gretchen a bottle containing a sleeping potion to requite to her mother. Catastrophically, the potion turns out to be poisonous, and the tragedy takes its course.

'At the Well' and 'By the Urban center Wall'

In the following scenes, Gretchen has the first premonitions that she is significant every bit a result of Faust's seduction. Gretchen and Lieschen'southward discussion of an single mother, in the scene at the Well, confirms the reader's suspicion of Gretchen's pregnancy. Her guilt is shown in the terminal lines of her speech: "At present I myself am bared to sin! / Nonetheless all of it that collection me here, / God! Was so innocent, was so love!"[5] In "By the City Wall", Gretchen kneels before the statue of the Virgin and prays for help. She uses the opening of the Stabat Mater, a Latin hymn from the thirteenth-century thought to exist authored by Jacopone da Todi.

Night: Street in Front end of Gretchen's Door

Valentine, Gretchen'southward brother, is enraged by her liaison with Faust and challenges him to a duel. Guided by Mephistopheles, Faust defeats Valentine, who curses Gretchen merely before he dies.


Gretchen seeks comfort in the church, merely she is tormented by an Evil Spirit who whispers in her ear, reminding her of her guilt. This scene is by and large considered to be ane of the finest in the play.[ citation needed ] The Evil Spirit'southward tormenting accusations and warnings most Gretchen's eternal damnation at the Concluding Judgement, besides as Gretchen's attempts to resist them, are interwoven with verses of the hymn Dies irae (from the traditional Latin text of the Requiem Mass), which is being sung in the groundwork past the cathedral choir. Gretchen ultimately falls into a faint.

Walpurgis Nighttime and Walpurgis Night's Dream

A folk belief holds that during the Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) on the night of thirty Apr—the eve of the feast twenty-four hours of Saint Walpurga—witches gather on the Brocken mount, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, and concord revels with the Devil. The commemoration is a Bacchanal of the evil and demonic powers.

At this festival, Mephistopheles draws Faust from the plane of dear to the sexual plane, to distract him from Gretchen'due south fate. Mephistopheles is costumed hither every bit a Junker and with cloven hooves. Mephistopheles lures Faust into the arms of a naked young witch, but he is distracted by the sight of Medusa, who appears to him in "his lov'd one'south prototype": a "alone child, stake and fair", resembling "sweet Gretchen".

'Dready Day. A Field' and 'Night. Open Field'

The first of these ii brief scenes is the only section in the published drama written in prose, and the other is in irregular unrhymed verse. Faust has evidently learned that Gretchen has drowned the newborn child in her despair, and has been condemned to death for infanticide. Now she awaits her execution. Faust feels culpable for her plight and reproaches Mephistopheles, who nevertheless insists that Faust himself plunged Gretchen into perdition: "Who was it that plunged her to her ruin? I or y'all?" However, Mephistopheles finally agrees to aid Faust in rescuing Gretchen from her jail cell.


Mephistopheles procures the key to the dungeon, and puts the guards to sleep, so that Faust may enter. Gretchen is no longer bailiwick to the illusion of youth upon Faust, and initially does not recognize him. Faust attempts to persuade her to escape, but she refuses considering she recognizes that Faust no longer loves her, only pities her. When she sees Mephistopheles, she is frightened and implores to heaven: "Judgment of God! To thee my soul I give!". Mephistopheles pushes Faust from the prison house with the words: "She now is judged!" ( Sie ist gerichtet! ). Gretchen'southward salvation, yet, is proven past voices from above: "Is saved!" ( Ist gerettet! ).

References [edit]

  1. ^ Portor, Laura Spencer (1917). The Greatest Books in the Earth: Interpretative Studies. Chautauqua, New York: Chautauqua Printing. p. 82.
  2. ^ Williams, John R., Goethe's Faust, Allen & Unwin, 1987, p. 66. ISBN 9780048000439
  3. ^ Faust, Norton Critical Edition 1976, lines 1699–1706, translated by Walter Arndt OCLC 614612272 ISBN 9780393044249
  4. ^ Faust, Norton Critical Edition, line 3415
  5. ^ Faust, Norton Critical Edition, lines 3584–3586

External links [edit]

  • Faust at Projection Gutenberg
  • Faust Parts I & 2, complete translation, with line numbers and full stage directions


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